I liked it. I'm a big fan of zombies and am currently in production of a zombie film myself. I love your sense of direction, and you've done a good enough job with the animation. keep it up.
I liked it. I'm a big fan of zombies and am currently in production of a zombie film myself. I love your sense of direction, and you've done a good enough job with the animation. keep it up.
a real review...
For one thng....that was just as random as a scratch ticket on the moon! Everything happened so fast that you couldn't possibly keep up with the action (if there was any at all). You used Tekken music, and for this you got an average sound score. Thought I saw a Toad get cut in half so you got some violence and I've seen random on NG before so I couldn't give any points for style. The sprites were miss-placed and there was no play button. Take your time on next one. k!
Prehaps you dont have flash player 8. Without flash player 8 you will experisence weird stuff haperning. Images missing, lag, buttons missed. If you could make sure you have flash player 8 by downloading it from and please watch this flash again.
Very Poor...
Everything that wasn't traced (which ain't much) looked terrible. For a tribute this just isn't really paying homage to the game (more like to DBZ and every other Sonic flash animation). The originality just wasn't there and that's what I (personally) look foward to in Tributes.
Branching off the franchise or making something just as good is how you
tribute something. This my friends was subtile. I hope you found this review helpful and took what I said into consideration for your next Tribute Collab. The word tribute just shouldn't be used so lightly.
That was pretty good! Funny and a lil disturbing! Great Combination!
This isn't a parody...
It's basically exactly what happened in the movie, but poorly animated instead...
Most people(me mostly) have a very short attention span! Shorten your credits next time or save them for the end!
5TH Place???
Only 5TH Place? NG makes me sick!!! This clearly deserves daily feature!!!
I don't know who luis is, but it seems like he's a lonely mexican kid with no life...
Join Sureal-Inc! Now more than ever the team needs a few good Actionscripter's for our latest projects! E-mail us if you're interested!
Age 86, Male
Joined on 10/20/03